Proposal for the Starlay community hackathon program


Starlay community hackathon program


@SeiyaChida (Starlat Chan Initiative)


We are excited to introduce a community-led grants program for the Starlay community. This initiative is designed to fund innovative ideas and support a diverse network of community developers, creating new opportunities for builders. We’re keen to gather community feedback on this proposal. This initial phase serves as a test to gauge community interest and demand, with plans to continue based on the response. Here is the detail of the discussion: Starlay community hackathon program


Our goal is to provide resources that enhance and broaden Starlay’s capabilities, promoting sustainable growth. By tapping into the creativity within our community, we aim to foster a transparent, community-driven approach to bring these ideas to fruition. We also intend to invite service providers and, depending on the success of this pilot phase, we plan to make it an ongoing initiative.




  1. Learn about Starlay Finance: Review our documentation and forum.
  2. Submit your application via the form
  3. Selection of one team based on the reviews from the reviewers below (within 2 weeks).
  4. Chosen team to submit this form upon completion
  5. Submission of final work.
  6. ASTR payment from the Starlay treasury.


  • Neo (Founder of Starlay Fianance)
  • David (Tech lead of Starlay Finance)
  • SeiyaChida (Founder of Starlay Chan Initiative)


$1,000 is withdrawn from the Starlay treasury


SCI (Starlay Chan Initiative)


  • Protocol development
  • Applications and integrations
  • Developer tools
  • Community engagement (marketing, education)
  • DAOs supporting the Starlay ecosystem
  • Code audits

KPI & Measures

Success Metrics:

  • Increase in the hackathon applications
  • Rise in projects, ideas, events
  • Boost in community engagement (Forum, Discord, etc.)
  • Growth in Starlay pools (TVL, borrow activity, unique addresses)

Subjective Measures:

  • Enhanced community sentiment
  • Improved market positioning of Starlay protocol

Next Action

Just after our governance process (3 days signaling here, 3 days voting on Snapshot), SCI move this initiative to the action.

Voting Schedule

Snapshot Voting: Dec 7th, 09:00 UTC - Dec 10th, 09:00 UTC.

Voting Option

YES - Approve the proposal
NO - Reject the proposal