About the Discussion category

Any member of the Starlay Community can initiate a new topic and contribute to the discussion. To do this, navigate the channel and create a new topic using the (+) button in the bottom right corner. A preloaded template will appear; you should fill in all the details. The more detailed the initial information provided, the faster the discussion will progress into a formal proposal.

All topics must include the following:

  • Title: Provide a brief summary of the proposal.
  • Summary: Give an overview of your proposal. (Up to 200 words)
  • Motivation: What problem does this proposal address?
  • Specification : Provide a detailed explanation of the proposed solution.
  • Benefits: How will this proposal benefit Starlay and its stakeholders?
  • Costs: What resources will be required to implement the proposed solution?
  • Time: How long does it take to implement?
  • Risk Management: What are the potential risks associated with the proposed solution, and how can we mitigate these risks?
  • Next Action: what is the next action for moving this forward?

Check the all processes: https://forum.starlay.finance/t/starlay-governance-process/26/2