Title: Resupport LAY Emission from Starlay’s Treasury
Date: Sep 25, 2024
Proposed by: Starlay Chan Initiative (SCI)
- We proposed extra 6 months emission in Mar and distribute till Sep
- So the emission of LAY will conclude in Sep, leaving Oct without incentive distribution.
- To bridge this gap, we propose distributing rewardf over the next six months.
- We aim to distribute a total of 17,336,130 LAY from the Treasury over the six months.
- Withdraw 17,336,130 LAY from DeBank | The Real User Based Web3 Community.
- Deposit the LAY into Starlay’s Incentive Controller.
Next Steps
- Initiate a comprehensive discussion within the community to solicit feedback on the proposal.
- Evaluate and refine the proposal based on suggestions and alternative options raised during community discussions.
- Proceed to the signaling phase to gauge community support.